Sunday, 10 February 2013

Quilt from around the world.

Over at Threadbias, I have joined a "New bee Quilt" group,each group is called a Hive followed by a number. I am in Hive 3 and there is a waiting list to start Hive 4. Once there is twelve people to take part it will be up and running. The person who is running the groups (our leader) is Angela from Allpatchedup, she over see the running and helps each one of us monthly to decide on our block and looking for a tutorial or making a tutorial for our block. 

How does it work I heard you ask!!!!......... well each month we have a different Queen Bee. Her role within the group is to tell the other member's what quilt block they require us to make for them. So by the end of the month they will have received 11 blocks from around the world. ( If the world is taking part) In Hive 3 there are 9 people from America, 2 from England and 1 from Australia. 

All Queen's are asked to post the info for their block one week before the month begins, this includes where you can find a tutorial for the block if you are unfamiliar with there request, colours they require and a time for when the blocks needed to be posted out, such as the last week in the month. But this is not carved in stone, so once its done you can send it.

So the first week of the new month the Queen receives 12 blocks plus her one she has made. Then she puts them together and creates  a quilt top from around the world ( as I am calling it.) all that is needed next is to quilt the blocks and make into a quilt.

As all the ladies in my group make their quilts by sewing machine ( very clever and brave ladies) theirs' will be made before mine. As I am not so brave and make my quilts by hand. But never mind this is not a race.

I get to be Queen bee in January 2014.

I have finished my first block and sent it to our Queen Bee in America on Friday. The block she asked for was called "Stepping Stone" and the colours were; Pink solids for the square's (steps) and then cheerful blocks in pinks, purples, yellow, aquas, blues, and greens.

 Now I have to wait for two weeks before we receive our next assignment from our next Queen. All good fun.......

I have also taken part in a mystery swap, which to start you are required to chose a size envelop either small 6 x 11 or large 12 x 5 you would like to receive.  Then wait for the swap partners to be allocated, which happens today, then you have to make a gift they can use which will fit into the size envelop they have asked for. Total mystery........

The only hints you will find from the group is when they start making comments on what they are making and how it is all going. This then gets sent out the first week in April 2013. When we have completed our mystery gift we post pictures so the rest of the group can see what we all have done and then is waiting for the post to arrive. All good fun!!!!!!!

So once I have my swap partner I shall let you know what I am making.......

Thanks for stopping by........... keep sewing.............

See you soon.......

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